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"version": 2, "width": 300, "height": 50, "data": [ { // Data is retrieved from the Wikidat Query API (SPARQL). "name": "table", "url": "wikidatasparql:///?query=SELECT+%3Finstance+%3FinstanceLabel+%3Fvalue+%7B+%7B%0A++++SELECT+%3Finstance+%28COUNT%28DISTINCT+%3Fitem%29+as+%3Fvalue%29+%7B%0A++++++++++%7B%3Fitem+wdt%3AP131+wd%3AQ25+.+%7D%0A++UNION+%7B+%3Fitem+wdt%3AP131+%3Fpob+.+%3Fpob+wdt%3AP131%2A+wd%3AQ25+%7D%0A++++++++++%3Fitem+wdt%3AP31+%3Finstance.%7D%0A++++GROUP+BY+%3Finstance%0A++++HAVING+%28%3Fvalue+%3E+100%29%7D%0A+SERVICE+wikibase%3Alabel+%7B+bd%3AserviceParam+wikibase%3Alanguage+%22en%22.+%7D+%7D%0AORDER+BY+DESC%28%3Fvalue%29%0ALIMIT+15%0AOFFSET+0", "format": { "type": "json" }, "transform": [ // sort in descending order using value as the sort key {"type": "sort","by": "-value"}, // To visualize, use "pie" transformation to add layout_start, layout_end, and layout_mid fields to each {label, value} object // These fields contain angles at which to start and stop drawing arcs. First element's start will be 0, and last element's end will be 360 degrees (in radians) {"type": "pie","field": "value"} ] } ], // Scales are like functions -- marks use them to convert a data value into a visual value, like x or y coordinate on the graph, or a color value. "scales": [ { // This scale will be used to assign a color to each slice, using a palette of 10 colors "name": "color", "domain": {"data": "table","field": "instanceLabel"}, "range": "category10", "type": "ordinal" } ], "marks": [ { // This mark draws the actual pie chart from the data source // Each element is an arc between layout_start and layout_end angles (as calculated by the pie transformation) // drawn with a given radius, stroke, and fill. "from": {"data": "table"}, "type": "arc", "properties": { "enter": { "fill": {"scale": "color","field": "instanceLabel"}, // Use "width" signal divided by 2 for the outer radius "outerRadius": {"signal": "width", "mult": 0.5}, "startAngle": {"field": "layout_start"}, "endAngle": {"field": "layout_end"}, "stroke": {"value": "white"}, "strokeWidth": {"value": 1} } } }, { // This mark draws labels around the pie chart after the pie chart has been drawn "type": "text", // Before drawing, we need to perform a number of calculations to figure out the exact location and orientation of the text "from": { "data": "table", "transform": [ // For each data point (datum), each of these transformations will be ran in order. // Formula transformation evaluates the expression and assigns result to the datapoint // Size of the pie slice, in degrees: sliceSize = (end - start) * 180 / Pi { "type": "formula", "field": "sliceSize", "expr": "(datum.layout_end - datum.layout_start)*180/PI" }, // Draw text only if the slice of the arc is more than 2 degrees to avoid overcrowding { "type": "filter", "test": "datum.sliceSize > 2" }, // Determine the side of the pie chart we are on - left or right. { "type": "formula", "field": "invert", "expr": "datum.layout_mid*180/PI < 180 ? 1 : -1" }, // If on the left, the text should be right-aligned (go from the rim inward) { "type": "formula", "field": "align", "expr": "datum.invert > 0 ? 'left' : 'right'" }, // At what angle should the text be drawn relative to the point on the circle { "type": "formula", "field": "angle", "expr": "(datum.layout_mid*180/PI)-90*datum.invert" }, // Make font smaller for smaller pie slices { "type": "formula", "field": "fontSize", "expr": "datum.sliceSize > 20 ? 13 : (datum.sliceSize > 10 ? 11 : 10)" }, // Make font bold for largest pie slices { "type": "formula", "field": "fontWeight", "expr": "datum.sliceSize > 15 ? 'bold' : 'normal'" } ] }, "properties": { "enter": { // Use the fields calculated in the transformation to draw category names "align": {"field": "align"}, "angle": {"field": "angle"}, "baseline": {"value": "middle"}, "fill": {"value": "black"}, "fontSize": {"field": "fontSize"}, "fontWeight": {"field": "fontWeight"}, "radius": {"signal": "width", "mult": 0.5, "offset": 10}, "text": {"template": "\u007b{datum.value|number:',d' }\u007d"}, "theta": {"field": "layout_mid"} } } } ], // Show legend, using the scale named "color" as the source. "legends": [{ "title": "Type of place", "fill": "color", "properties": { "title": { "fontSize": {"value": 14} }, "symbols": { "stroke": {"value": "transparent"} }, "legend": { "strokeWidth": {"value": 1.5}, // Set new position of the legend relative to the center of the graph, using graph's width & height "x": {"signal":"width", "mult":0.5, "offset":60}, "y": {"signal":"height", "mult":-0.5} } } }]
} </graph>See it in Wikidata Query Service
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