Hacathon Hanes 2025
The History Hackathon will be a hack day which focuses on reusing historical data about Wales and its people from the National Library of Wales. This will include 1000's of biographical records, digital images, newspapers, The 1923 Womens Peace Petition, OCR data and much more.
Hacking can include programming, data visualisation, gamification, The use of AI models and tools, creative and artistic reuse and much more!
It is a free event, with free lunch and goody bags for all those who attend!
Data available now
- Datasets on Wikidata
- Probate records CSV
- Aberystwyth Shipping Records CSV - Records of 19th century merchant ships and their crew, including details of journeys made. This data would be great for making interesting visualsations..like this one
- Basic data for Welsh Biography CSV, JSON, HTML
- Detailed data for the Welsh Biography CSV, JSON, HTML
- IIIF manisfests for NLW images on Wikidata CSV, JSON, HTML
- Welsh WWI Book of remembrance data JSON - Welsh Book of Remembrance List of 35,000 men and women from Wales who lost their lives in WWI
- Cardiganshire War tribunals data JSON - Cardiganshire War tribunals Records of appeals against enforced inscription into the army during WWI for the county of Cardiganshire. These include personal information, earnings, tribunal decisions ect.
- Welsh Crime and punishment databass CSV, JSON
- Supplementary Aberystwyth Shipping records data (Journeys taken) JSON
Data available on the day
We will give access to a sample of the data for the Women's peace petition, currently being transcribed by volunteers
We will give full access to the text of 16 million pages of historical Welsh newspapers via an API.
The output of one of Wales largest crowd sourcing projects the API will give access to nearly a million records of place names, tennants and landowners.
- IIIF Images
We can demonstrate how to use our APIs to call digital images from our archive along with the relevent data.